The Current Republican Party Version of Mount Rushmore
There's the old saw that if you give them enough rope they will certainly hang themselves. and that's just what the current edition of the GOP has done to itself.
For those who haven't quite figured it out yet; the Republicans are unabashidly showing us their posteriors as a means of showing their true, heartfelt contempt for the United States and its people and laws.
There can be no doubt, the Republicans are the "reactionary" party of American politics.
Ever since President Johnson gained passage of the civil rights act and created a backlash among Dixiecrats who became Republicans and Nixon injected race as a central plank of the Republican platform, the GOP has conducted itself as a reactionary party that stood for the values and traditions of the past that upheld racial apartheid throughout the South. And then when Johnson and the Democrates passed the fair housing laws, that was too much for the rest of the nation and the Republicans had their majority.
So the Republicans had bound themselves beyond their big business ties and had brought the racially hateful voters under the control of their party. Soon the Republicans would use divisive tactics and again fracture the Democratic Party as the GOP brought the rising organizational power of the Christian Evangelicals into the Republican fold.
So the reactionary consolidation of the GOP over America was complete and would hold power in the country from the presidencies of Nixon to Bush 43 by following a simple plan of controlling the nation using the values of the past, to tradition, to forms of thought that had been legislatively overcome. The Republicans took great pleasure in using their divisive and reactionary tactic to divide and control America.
The Republican Reformation of course hit it's high water mark with the election of Ronald Reagan in 1980.
Reagan took it upon himself to entrence conservatives throughout the federal government and judiciary.He introduced an economic model that drew heavily from the University of Chicago and promoted the rejection of all economic policies that had anything to do with Keynesian macroeconomics and instead initiated economic policies built upon the foundations of deregulation and monetarism; te introduction of cultural conservatism which acted tough agaist crime, fought affirmative action, rallied against feminism, and promoted traditional values; neoconservativism which forced the engines of industry to provide the means to create a strong military that in turn proved to be the undoing of liberal internationalism, the shifting of power from government to the private sector, and plenty of substantial tax cuts to those on the highest rungs of the economic ladder.
With the fall from power of Communism in the Soviet Union, capitalism's triumph signaled the end of history and provided further creedence to the activities of the reactionaries of conservatism. But now today, the intellectual fervor for reactionary conservative politics has dried up because fir the most part it never had developed a taproot of ideas that could sustains policies and ideas that did nothing bt harken back to a lost mythic past.
Coupled with the inability of the American military to gain U.S. foreign policy dominance; the denial of science and the dismissal of global warming, reliance on religious litmus testing for the hiring of public officials, the neglect and rejection of government; an ovrreliance on using abortion to divide the electorate; and the huge creation of overwhelming budget deficits, the Medicare drug plan, over-excessive foreign borrowing, especially from China and asset-price inflation. And then the final straw that broke the camel's back in the form of the Great Depression-like financial crash that took place just weeks ahead of the election.
So now all that the Republican reactionaries can do is become the party of no and try to force slogans down the throats of the American people by claiming that the Democrats are in fact the Democratc Socialist Party of the United States.
Hopefully, we are witnessing the death throes of a party full of reationaries coming to its well-justified end.
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