As we wait for the final passage of the economic stimulus bill; there's a crumbling Texas bridge with a manhole sized hole in the pavement. There are far too many similar examples of bridge and roadway problems throughout the country and no state is immune. The nation's roadway transportation infrastructure is in dire shape.
As we watch the Republicans do everything they can to slowdown President Obama's economic stimulus plan we once again must realize that the GOP is the party completely controlled by the most powerfully rich interests in America. The Democrats have to play the same game of chase the money because they need the cash support of the most powerful too in order to run their campaigns. But there is a price tag that is attached to the money doled out by powerful special interests. Obedience to power. But in American government, particularly in Washington it is never the party in power that gets the lion's share of the money; it is always the
Republicans, because they are nothing more than the field laborers and workers for the padrone, or masters. And they get away with it because if they don't all of the powerful forces they control will be shouting "socialists, communists, pinkos, fags fascists, Nazis, Femi-Nazis, or whatever derisive term they can think up the opposite, their opposition the ones who want to redistribute the wealth and tap it away from it's rightful owners the super -rich ad super-powerful.
Regardless of the name calling and pandering and obstructive tactics the Republicans will eventually loss this battle because the Democrats simply have too many votes.
So it should be a time for great celebration since it marks the greatest legislative feat of pumping money into and ailing economy since the Great Depression.
eBut don't pop that cork too soon, Democrats, because the Republicans once again have shown their true colors.
Even though the stand s a party with a dwindling base of support they have chosen to hold on tighter to the failed policies that put us in this situation n the first place. Charges of rampant liberal overspending and earmarks and pork crossed the lips of many GOP legislators as the debates wound themselves through the House and into the Senate and then back to a special House-Senate Committee assigned to hammering the bills together.
A rational mind would expect the GOP to act a bit less belligerent and accede to the terrible losses their party has sustained since 2006. But no, not this group of conservative ideologues. We all should have seen it coming as all the post-election postmortems held by the Republicans ridiculously proclaimed that the party faces a bright future once it returns to the ways of Ronald Reagan and achieves a greater degree of a 'purer form' conservatism more in line with the thoughts of the most extreme of the ideologues - the Rush Limbaugh's of the party, in other words.
And what other follisome banter escaped from the hired help of the GOP? Why our old friendly regard for the wondrous achievements made possible with tax cuts for the rich! And once the American people had heard their share of stories proclaiming that only tax cuts will save the day! the GOP went completely delusional! They ranted and whined about how the monies to be spent by Obama and the Democrats were actually prt of a plan to bankrupt the nation and turn it into a path of forever lasting socialism!
Never mind the billions upon billions wasted in the wars on terrorism and in Iraq: that was necessary and an example of true patriotism at work!
In the end, Obama got pretty much what he had asked for. But still the gap between the amount of money the economy will produce and the money gained through the stimulus package will still leave a tremendous gap. Yet administration officials claim to have won the funds necessary for the economic needs of the nation over the next three years.
Now its up to Treasury Secretary Geithner to come up with an adequate fiscal plan that will unfreeze the credit markets and get money moving at a higher velocity. So far the Treasury Secretary's plan has some adequate responces to the financial crisis; whether they will prove sucessful is another question. Does the Geithner plan just bail out bankers at taxpayers’ expenses? Or will a temporary nationalization of the nation's banks prove to be the solution? As of yet, no one knows. But one thing remains true; and that is that we face our worst economic crisis since the Great Depression and our chances of failure to rekindle the economy are dramatic.
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