Saturday, March 7, 2009

3/07/09 President Barack Obama Weekly Radio Address...

"In his March 7th weekly address, the President capped off a busy week in Washington remarking on new lending guidelines aimed at lowering mortgage payments; an initiative to generate funds for small business and college loans; the release of his administration's first budget which includes $2T in deficit reduction, and the start of long overdue health care reform."--The White House

"Today, in his weekly address, President Obama seems to play the role of cheerleader-in-chief. It can be hard to focus on his administration’s myriad efforts so far to deal with the economy with headlines like “Job Losses Hint at Vast Remaking of Economy.”

"In contrast to last week’s address, in which Mr. Obama struck a combative tone, he shoots for optimism today: “And we will continue to face difficult days in the months ahead. But I also believe that we will get through this — that if we act swiftly and boldly and responsibly, the United States of America will emerge stronger and more prosperous than it was before.”

"Mr. Obama’s address this week didn’t have much news; in fact it was basically a review of his initiatives so far. But looking ahead to Monday, he’ll give us something to talk about other than the economy or the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan – the culture war. He is expected to announce he is reversing the Bush administration’s limits on federal funding for embryonic stem cell research.

"Looking further ahead, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton announced today that Mr. Obama will visit Turkey in the “next month or so.

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