Sunday, March 29, 2009

Democratic National Committee Produce a Video From News File Footage That Belittles the Republicans and Portrays Them as the Party of No

With a great deal of 'heavy lifting'facing the Democrats in the the House and in the Senate beginning after today and continuing throughout the upcoming week, Republicans have acted like a party without any leadership in charge and whose stock answer to Democratic proposals for legislative solutions to the many problems facing the nation has been to simply say no. Calling the Republicans the party of no originated with Democratic attacks on the GOP and have now spread to the elite media of newspapers and in particular on cable news programs.

The problem facing the Republicans as they try to pry themselves out from under the daily attacks they are suffering from calling them the party of no is that the Republicans have simply failed to produce any reasonably viable legislative proposals that can stand as alternatives to Democratic ideas. The Republicans failure to bring anything of substance to the legislative deal making table has severely damaged the GOP's image across the nation so that they are now commonly referred to as the party of no.

The stock in trade example of how the Republicans react has been to deny that the Democrats can legislate the nation out of the Republican-created economic disaster that has gripped the American economy around the throat. The next step for the GOP is to exclaim that the only way to get America's economy moving again is to apply more tax cuts to the upper reaches of American's income brackets -- in other words, give more tax breaks to the richest of the rich is how the Republicans propose to help America.

The lack of an overall party strategy set by a coordinating Republican Party leadership is most apparent when the Congressional Republican's approach to the impending Democratic legislative agenda is exposed. In the Senate, Mitch McConnell and his lieutenants have decided to attempt to tie up the Democrats proposals with a series of time-wasting amendments. Inthe House, on the other hand, the Republican House members went out odf their way to promote a news conference this past Thursday to proclaim their own series of solutions which were to be found in a glossily bound booklet that would prove to the nation that President Obama's claims that the Republicans did have a plan of their very own! and it would be revealed to Americans on March 26th, thus upstaging President Obama and the Democrats.

Carl Hulse, chief congressional correspondent of The New York Times, reported that Representative John A. Boehner, the minority leader, was grilled by reporters on Capitol Hill because the blue 18-page “recovery” pamphlet that the Republican leadership released was short on figures, spending or revenue details."

Mr Hulse provided his account of the Republican's bravado as amazingly explained by Mr. Boehner, the House Republican leader: “Wait and see next week,” said Mr. Boehner, who evidently is not all that impressed with budget documents anyway.... It’s just a bunch of numbers,” Boehner said.

So in retaliation to Mr. Boehner's belittlement of the Democrats plan as "just a bunch of numbers" the Democratic National Committee has now released a Web video that runs the gamut of news coverage of the Republicans’ event on Thursday, poking some fun at the number of zeros presented in that plan.

The truth of the matter is that the Republican's have gone beyond merely ridiculing themselves with their faux budget that contains nothing of substance; particularly no numbers that would show their plan to be a viable alternative to Democratic proposals; they have done so with a straight face and will not back down from a smoke and mirrors approach to solving the nation's economic problems.

I believe the Democrats have already won the battle to establish their legislation as the law of the land after they put down a surely disorganized Republican opposition leaving Mr. Boehner no alternative but to cry over his certain upcoming loss to President Obama and the Democrats.

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