Thursday, January 15, 2009

Religious Groups Band Together to Call for Obama to Ban Torture

Laurie Goodstein, writing for the New York Times reports that: "A broad coalition of religious groups is calling on President-elect Barack Obama to issue an executive order on his first day in office banning the use of torture. Leaders of the coalition, the National Religious Campaign Against Torture, met with officials from the Obama transition team on Wednesday afternoon and emerged saying they were optimistic about the prospects for such an order. Linda Gustitus, the group’s president, said the coalition leaders met with Michael Strautmanis, who has been named chief of staff to Valerie Jarrett, a senior Obama adviser." It's no secret that Obama plans to end torture: “He gave every indication that it’s going to happen, not necessarily on Day 1, but that it’s going to happen,” Ms. Gustitus said. “So we’re encouraged. We still believe that it would be a very, very important statement to the nation and the world, were it to take place on Day 1.” And it is also becoming very apparent that Obama feels at ease with, and plans to work closely with a wide range of religious faiths and denominations. Goodstein writes that: "The coalition, which was formed in 2006, includes Roman Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox Christian groups, as well as organizations representing Muslims, Jews, Bahais, Hindus, Buddhists and Sikhs." Goodstein noted that: "In a news conference held yesterday, the Rev. Dr. John Thomas, president and general minister of the United Church of Christ, said, “All over the world, people are looking this week for a clear and strong word that change has come, that religious values are not simply to be pandered to for votes, but are principles that underlie policy.” Ms Goodstein also reported on statements by other religious leaders including: "Ingrid Mattson, president of the Islamic Society of North America," (who) said, “We have lost the support of allied nations for our polices, and we have lost the good will of ordinary people across the world who now see us as hypocrites.” Goodstein reports: "The group wants the executive order to include a commitment to close secret prisons around the world where terrorism suspects were held, and to stop the practice of rendition, in which detainees have been transferred to other countries, including some known to use torture." On the issue of torture, Obama recently stated during remarks made in front of the press corps that: "I was clear throughout this campaign, and have been clear throughout this transition, that under my administration, the United States does not torture, we will abide by the Geneva conventions, that we will uphold our highest values and ideals.” Obama continued his remarks by adding: “I think it is important for us to do that not only because that is who we are, but also ultimately it will make us safer and will help in changing hearts and minds in our struggle against extremists.”

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