Friday, October 2, 2009

The Anemic Left Gets a Hero: Rep. Alan Grayson (D FL)

With the Congressman Alan Grayson "controversy" still the talk around Washington, the 'left wing' media; namely the corporate controlled MSNBC cable network, continues to talk about the 'spinning story' around Representative Grayson's comments on the House floor as the vast right wing echo chamber drills its talking points into the minds of anyone who will listen

"Speaker Nancy Pelosi dismissed calls for Representative Alan Grayson to apologize for his recent “die quickly” remarks on the House floor, though she did say both Republicans and Democrats could do their part to elevate the discussion in the health care debate.

"At her weekly news conference on Thursday, Ms. Pelosi also pointed out that Republicans in the House had used the death theme in criticizing the Democrats’ health care proposals.

There’s no more reason for Mr. Grayson to apologize. If anybody is going to apologize, everybody should apologize,” Mrs. Pelosi said. “But let’s — the point has been made. It’s time for us to talk about health care.”

"Meanwhile, House Republicans announced that no resolution admonishing Mr. Grayson would be introduced on Thursday. At his weekly news conference, the House Republican leader, John Boehner, said, “I think it’s time for Democrat leaders and the Speaker of the House herself to rein in some of the rhetoric that she decried just several weeks ago. And if he’s not going to apologize to the American people and to Republicans as he should, really, the Democrat leadership’s responsibility to have a conversation with her own member. ”

"The row over Mr. Grayson began on Tuesday night, when the Democrat took to the House floor to say “If you get sick, America, the Republican health care plan is this: Die quickly.”

"In the aftermath of the recent admonishment of Republican Representative Joe Wilson for his outburst against President Obama, Republicans quickly called on Mr. Grayson to apologize. But the freshman from Florida not only refused, he kept the provocative comments coming.

"On a Wednesday appearance with MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, for example, Mr. Grayson said, “We’re dealing with people on the other side who are utterly unscrupulous. These are foot-dragging, knuckle-dragging Neanderthals who know nothing but ‘no.’”

"In a statement announcing that no resolution was forthcoming, a spokesman for Representative Tom Price, a Georgia Republican, said that Mr. Grayson’s remarks on the floor “were an embarrassment to this Congress.” But, the statement added, “any future decision on a resolution will rest on the ability of the Speaker to control her members.”

"For their part, Democrats have also pointed to similar comments made by Republicans in discussing the health care proposals. Over the summer, for example, Representative Ginny Brown-Waite, another member of the Florida delegation, said that the Democrats’ health care bill “essentially said to America’s seniors: ‘drop dead.’ ”

On Thursday, in assessing Representative Alan Grayson's remarks, Hardball's Chris Matthews kept the story spinning when he invited Representatives Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D FL) and Dan Lungren (R CA)to go tit for tat.

Also on Thursday, MSNBC's Countdown with Keith Olbermann invited Ariana Huffington to reprise the last days events involving Rep. Alan Grayson's comments on the Republican health care plan on 9/30/09.

Will there be another day's worth of story spinning left for Friday? And have the Democrats found a hero who might give them some pugnaciousness as they attempt to bring health care reform?

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