Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Bizarre Things Cons Will Say to Celebrate the Protection of the Status Quo

Sherman, aka David Brooks, under Dr. Peabody's directions, attempts to engage the lever that controls the Way Back Machine

It is truly touching and really adds to the feeling of 'we're all in this mess that we Republicans created and now we are ready to move on by blaming our misdeeds on the Democrats and President Obama' speak out for the best interests of the American nation when such noted voices as the ever-resourceful David Brooks make their opinions known.

It is truly heartwarming to read the right wing lackey, David Brooks offer his assessment of President Obama's challenge to keep independent voters in line.But wait a minute; is there an election looming, do the Republicans have any less than daffy solutions to the nation's health care crisis ready to present to the nation and become legislation that creates a groundswell of public support and bi-partisan backing that it would need to become law?


Brooks is such a mastermind of cogent political analysis. He has easily figured out the reason for Obama's "failure of leadership.' It is simply the dead weight that Obama must carry around his skinny neck that goes by the distinction of being the "liberal leadership in Congress." However inappropriate and untrustworthy the liberals might seem, Brooks points out that they are even worse. You see, it is according to Brooks extensive use of referencing his opinions with examples of a Congress out of control and in the throes of existing only for the benefits of staying in power and filling their legislative bills with layers of pork barrel spending; all the while, the president has been consumed by his own demons; his blind devotion to increasing spending and consolidating power in the hands of the chief executive.

But just wait a plutocratic and evangelical moment here!. Mr. Brooks has done too good of a job in his research. In fact he has acted in such a blatantly heavy-handed manner that he has pushed too had on the lever that controls the Way Back Machine and has actually landed several years earlier, right in the midst of the post-1992 presidential era of George Bush!

I am shocked and dismayed that Mr. Brooks has made such a careless mstake without even realizing it!

It seems Brooks is oblivious, either intentionally or by some cosmic misdirection of time when he disregards his error and gleefully proceeds by diminishing President Obama's popular appeal, getting it confused with the public support of  the half-wit who got us into the pickle jar that Obama and the Democrats are now trying to extricate themselves from without destroying the nation.because of the mind-boggling series of blunders perpetrated by Mr. Obama's predecessor - some sort of a Marlboro Man reject who never quite grasped the significance that he was the president of the United States for eight years.

Nevertheless, in Brooks impeccable approach to providing political commentary he stabs deeply into the flesh of Obama like some modern day Brutus thrusting his sharp and pointy knife of contempt for Obama's brave attempt to right the ship of state that had been left to drift along on the uncertain currents of the last eight years.

Proud of his "reasoned" analysis, Brooks unleashes the equivalent of his Shiva, destroyer of political interventions: "Anxiety is now pervasive. Trust in government rose when Obama took office. It has fallen back to historic lows. Fifty-nine percent of Americans now think the country is headed in the wrong direction."

Brooks continues his outright assault by gleefully adding: "The public's view of Congress, which ticked upward for a time, has plummeted. Charlie Cook, who knows as much about Congressional elections as anyone in the country, wrote recently that Democratic fortunes have "slipped completely out of control." He and the experts he surveyed believe there is just as much chance that the Democrats could lose more than 20 House seats in the next elections as less than 20.

"There are also warning signs in the Senate," opines Brooks. "A recent poll shows Harry Reid, the majority leader, trailing the Republican Danny Tarkanian, a possible 2010 opponent, by 49 percent to 38 percent." Brooks is only too happy to add his glum assessment: "When your majority leader is down to a 38 percent base in his home state, that's not good."

Brooks pounds away, stressing that: "The public has soured on Obama's policy proposals. Voters often have only a fuzzy sense of what each individual proposal actually does, but more and more have a growing conviction that if the president is proposing it, it must involve big spending, big government and a fundamental departure from the traditional American approach."

Brooks is gushing with a litany of vindictive, 'I told you so's! In his most absent- minded Maoist proclamation, he chortles of  a triumphant moment for Republican ideals; that given enough rope, Obama and the Democrats have hung themselves from the rafters of big government they have created and now flail about kicking into the empty air about them as their 'socialist'  populism draws down on them and tightens the noose about their neck and takes the breath out of all that phony Obama optimism.of just a few short months ago.

Overtaken by his overblown assessment of Obama's inevitable demise Brooks turns to some highly questionable analysis: "Driven by this general anxiety, and by specific concerns, public opposition to health care reform is now steady and stable. Independents once solidly supported reform. Now they have swung against it. As the veteran ( and highly partisan Republican operative who poses as a legitimate student of public opinion, the so-called) pollster Bill McInturff (who) has pointed out, public attitudes toward Obamacare exactly match public attitudes toward Clintoncare when that reform effort collapsed in 1994."

Hooray, let us all rejoice in the triumph of traditionalist, Republican protected maintenance of the status quo!

Certainly things can only get better if we don't allow them to change!

But if anything one might argue that Brooks represents, he knows how to count votes and he is clearly afaraid that the Democrats might use their significant numbers and simply push through health care without (gasp) consulting with Republican obstructionists. The very idea that the Democrats might yet achieve health care reform based on the rule of their majority smacks of an un-Americanism that every minority Republican fears most.

Brooks warns the Democrats that such a legislative move would be suicidal for the majority party. Just because they have more members on their side of the aisle in the House and Senate does not give Democrats the right to act as a ruling party!

In his own very perverse way; Brooks portrays himself as attempting to save the Democrats from themselves and from their duty as the majority party to engage in legislative efforts to effect political change that benefits all Americans. Brooks answer is for the Democrats to simply do nothing and work to maintain the status quo; something the Republicans have worked tirelessly for decades to succeed at.

Just to lighten the mood of his absorbing and cogent political analysis, Brooks interjects a bit of levity by seemingly warning the Democrats that it would be wrong to increase the public debt. However, Brooks inexplicably fails to mention the Republicans expert ability to turn Clinton's surplus of 1992 into a deficit for no apparent reason other than to accomplish the feat. Now if Brooks had mentioned that sleigh of hand trickery by the Republicans, he might have better succeeded in pulling a real belly whopper but he failed to do so and in turn condemned himself to the realm of political punditry.

Into which he quickly steps to provide this bit of advice: "This is a country that has always been suspicious of centralized government. This is a country that has just lived through an economic trauma caused by excessive spending and debt. Most Americans still admire Obama and want him to succeed. But if he doesn't proceed in a manner consistent with the spirit of the nation and the times, voters will find a way to stop him.

"The president's challenge now is to halt the slide. That doesn't mean giving up his goals. It means he has to align his proposals to the values of the political center: fiscal responsibility, individual choice and decentralized authority.

"Events have pushed Barack Obama off to the left. Time to rebalance."

One has to admire brooks persistence which he maintains to the very end of his commentary; and that is; ignore the squawkers on the left and maintain the status quo as practice by the Republicans when they held the majority and Obama will be able to stay in office for another four years beyond the end of his current term.

And for good measure, Brooks fails to add, Obama should work harder to keep the public from acquiring a complete grasp of reality by terrorizing the population and creating evil doers and a world filled with America haters; oops, there goes that over aggressive hand on the lever that controls the Way Back Machine!

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