Karl Rove is a traitorous pawn of the most right wing extremists who live in our nation. After eight years at the central switches of power which controlled the machinations of lies and scandal that have come to characterize the George Bush the Younger Administrations from 2001 until 2009; we as a nation simply cannot allow Rove to continue to spread lies and coverup the abuses of power purpetrated by Bush when he was in office.
In an editorial in the mouthpiece publication for right wing zaniness, The Wall Street Journal, Rove launched into a venomous attack on the Obama economic recovery efforts which have pledged $787 billion to sy=timulate the lower reaches of the economy back to a semblance of order as a part of an overarching plan to return prosperity to the lower and middle classes of the United States.
Yet here was Rove, full of vindictive disdain for any politician who might actually try to undo the numerous shackles that the Bush the Younger administration had so carefully put into place to ensure the maintenance of of class system based on plutocratic overlords diverting America's riches into their onw coffers of wealth.
Rove attacks Obama for presiding over an economy that is currently witnessing a 9.5 % unemployment rate - as if the previous Bush administration stands guilt-less for creating the economic policies that have resulted in such huge numbers of Americans out of work. Tongue in cheek, Rove quotes "Keith Hennessey, who worked at the Bush White House on economic policy, has noted that unemployment is now higher than the administration said it would be if nothing was done to revive the economy." Rove gleefully recites that "there are 2.6 million fewer Americans working than Mr. Obama promised."
In Rove's dutiful bow to the corporate powers that hold sway over the nation's economy he cites: "The Blue Chip consensus is an average of some four dozen economic forecasts. In January, the consensus estimated that GDP for 2009 would shrink by 1.6% and that unemployment would top out at 8.3%. Team Obama assumed both higher GDP growth (it counted on a contraction of 1.2%) and lower peak unemployment (8.1%) than the consensus." Rove continues his preprogamed remarks by complaining of Obama: "Instead of relying on the Blue Chip consensus, Mr. Obama outsourced writing the stimulus to House appropriators who stuffed it with every bad spending idea they weren't previously able to push through Congress. Little of it aimed to quickly revive the economy. More stimulus money will be spent in fiscal years 2011 through 2019 than will be spent this fiscal year, which ends in September."
Rove then sets up his straw man and complains that: "On Sunday, Mr. Biden, backpedaling from his drop-kick comments, said that "no one anticipated, no one expected that the recovery package would in fact be in a position at this point of having to distribute the bulk of the money."
In Rove's diturbed corporate confused mind he goes on to say of Obama's plans: "This fits a pattern. The administration consistently pledges unrealistic results that it later distances itself from. It has gotten away with it because the media haven't asked many pointed questions."
Turning to health care Rove sputters out more industry propaganda by charging: "The Obama administration wants a government takeover of health care. To get it, it is promising to wring massive savings out of the health-care industry. And it has already started to make cost-savings promises.
"For example, the administration strong-armed health-care providers into promising $2 trillion in health savings. It got pharmaceutical companies to promise to lower drug prices for seniors by $80 billion over 10 years. The administration also trotted out hospital executives to say that they would voluntarily save the government $150 billion over 10 years.
In Rove's warped vision of truth he explains: "None of this comes near to being true. On the promised $2 trillion, everyone admits that the number isn't built on anything specific -- it's an aspirational goal. On drug prices, a White House spokesman admitted that "These savings have not been identified at the moment." It is speculative that these cuts will actually be made, when they would begin, or whether they would reduce government health-care spending.
Rove claims: "None of this will stop the administration from arguing that its "savings" will pay for Mr. Obama's $1.5 trillion health-care plans. By the time the real price tag emerges, it will be too late to do much more than raise taxes and curtail spending on urgent priorities, such as the military."And then in clasic Rovian distortion of reality he claims: "The stimulus package is a clear example of how Mr. Obama operates. He is attempting to employ the same tactics of bait-and-switch when it comes to health care, only on a much larger scale." Rove ends by shifting all of the possible blame for the economies poor performance onto the current administration; never making any attempt to discussthe policy shortcomings of Bush the Younger's administration: "Mr. Obama has already created a river of red ink. His health-care plans will only force that river over its banks. We are at the cusp of a crucial political debate, and Mr. Obama's words on fiscal matters are untrustworthy. His promised savings are a mirage. His proposals to reshape the economy are alarming. And his unwillingness to be forthright with his numbers reveals that he knows his plans would terrify many Americans."
Why doesn't this purpettraor of endless corporat/evangelical voodoo economics just go away. There is something to be said for mortality and advancing age. may that day come sooner rather than later.
Source: Wall Street Journal
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